Contemplative Renewal for Ministry

© Matt Veligdan

We are currently developing a training program for seminarians, clergy and lay leaders that supports the contemplative renewal of the Church. Following the now famous statement of Karl Rahner who said that the future Christian will be a mystic or will not be at all, our Contemplative Ministry Institute will be grounded in ancient contemplative practices of the early church and monastic traditions as well as ancient and contemporary prophetic gifts of BIPOC, liberation, and earth spiritualities. Our Institute’s goal will be to invite seminarians, clergy and lay leaders into a journey of personal transformation by developing a new monastic rhythm of daily spiritual practice and mindfulness. Participants will study spiritual trends in order to gain comprehensive knowledge of the expressed and unexpressed needs of contemporary spiritual seekers as well as the social-entrepreneurial skills necessary to translate insights into effective actions. Ultimately, our goal is to equip future spiritual leaders with the skills to transform dying churches and institutions into vibrant centers of contemplative spirituality that embody just action in their communities.

The Center is a space of calm and courage, a community rising to meet the challenges of our global crisis with vast generosity--embodying the unconditional mercy and justice Christ represents, without ever asking its members or those they so joyfully serve to adhere to any particular belief system. ”

– Mirabai Starr, author of Wild Mercy: Living the Fierce and Tender Wisdom of the Women Mystics